
2015-01-28 14:44:23 admin


中文:油烟由风机吸入静电油烟净化器,其中部分较大的油雾滴、油污颗粒在均流板上由于机械碰撞、阻留而被捕集。当气流进入高压静电场时,在高压电场的作用下,油烟气体电离,油雾荷电,大部分得以降解炭化;少部分微小油粒在吸附电场的电场力及气流作用下向电场的正负极板运动被收集在极板上  并在自身重力的作用下流到集油盘,经排油通道排出,余下的微米级油雾被电场降解成二氧化碳和水最终排出洁净空气;同时在高压发生器的作用下,电场内的空气产生臭氧,除去了烟气中大部分的气味

英文:Smoke sucked by the blower fan electrostatic fume purifier, which part of the larger oil mist, oil particles in the flow equalization plate due to mechanical impact, detention andarrest set. When the airflow into the high voltage electrostatic field, the high voltageelectric field ionization gas, oil, oil mist of charged, the majority is the degradation effect of carbonization; a few small oil particles in electric field electric field and flowadsorption to positive and negative plates motion field is collected in the plate and inthe gravity of the downstream to set the oil pan, discharged from the oil drainage channel, micron grade oil mist the rest of the electric field degraded into carbon dioxide and water out the clean air; at the same time in the high pressure generator under the action of electric field, the air in the ozone generation, to remove the smoke most of theodor



          5、净化效率高,经检测,油烟净化率高于90%,并能去除大部分气味 。
英文:Electric field of 1, Guang Jie electrostatic oil fume purifier used plate, the electrostatic field can evenly to achieve maximum average field strength, greatly increased electric field purification area, so that the electric field and the soot particles binding the time is longer, so as to determine the efficiency of oil fume removing device has the advantages
          2, the electric field of modular design, can be formed according to the volume sizeassembly, plate electric steel is good, easy disassembly, not deformation,characteristics of convenient cleaning and maintenance etc.;

          3, small noise, when the equipment is running resistance is small, the operation cost is low;

          4, high safety coefficient, better high-voltage connection design, open the door when the electric field will automatically power off; in addition, power Guangjie electrostatic fume purifier is DC superposition pulse power supply using the latest technology,double current form more easily make lampblack ionization, adsorption. Power in the best guarantee purifier purify effect at the same time, also has automatic overload,over-voltage, open circuit, open circuit protection, use more safety, more at ease into outlet to swap, to facilitate installation;

          5, the purification efficiency is high, after testing, fume purification rate is higher than 90%, and can remove most smell.